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We SOLV hold several events throughout the year. Here are some examples of them.


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WELCOME PARTY ウェルカムパーティー

The Welcome Party is held twice a year in the Spring and Autumn for new coming international students. In the Spring, we cook the traditional foods of the countries of the international students together and eat them at the party. In the Autumn, different countries perform their traditional songs or traditional dances. 


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The Farewell Party is held twice a year in the Spring and Autumn to send out graduating international students. During the party, we view photos that reflect the memories of the graduating students' stay in Japan, and promise to meet again some day in the future.  


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The International Summer Seminar is a short-term study abroad program of the Campus ASIA and the Campus ASEAN programs. Students from countries in Asia come to Japan for a few weeks to take intensive courses. During their stay, we visit various tourist sites together and have events to introduce Japanese culture. 

インターナショナルサマーセミナーはCampus ASIA及びCampus ASEANプログラムが提供する短期留学プログラムです。数週間の間、集中講義を受けるためにアジア各国から留学生が名古屋大学へやって来ます。ISSの期間中、彼らと一緒に観光地へ行ったり、日本文化を紹介する企画などを開催します。

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SKI TRIP スキー研修

The Ski Trip is held every year around February, during the Spring Vacations. Together with international students of the Graduate School of Law, we will go to Mount Norikura in Gifu Prefecture and enjoy skiing. Since there would be an instructor who would teach us skiing according to our levels, there is no need to worry even if it is the first time to ski. In the night, we have a party to get to know each other. 


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